Friday, May 11, 2012

well then, welcome aboard my festering brain come in come in

People of...whatever shit hole planet you happen to hail from... i bring you good tidings of vigilante journalism too improperly educated to obtain a high powered career anywhere on the fast track to glory. Instead, my friends, we set up shop a few miles to the left on a blistering remorseless two lane blacktop just close enough to the square community to be seen with the lights on.

My intent here is to spread a sort of message to mainstream medias victims and its slaves that there are still those of us who can see what is really going on. We few with eyes and minds opened wide enough demand a fair shake and a chance at the dreams we were told to hold fast to in our youth.

Let this be a free source of information, ideas and opinions not heard in everyday travels.

Be not alarmed my dears, this is only a test...of your courage and willingness to fight the beasts of oppression and censorship.

 But lets not get too far ahead of ourselves. For now may i just say hello, welcome, and please check your ignorance at the door.

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